
Ads, Guides, Reports and Cheat Sheets to Help You Speak Up for Sex Ed

At EducateUS, our job is to give you what you need to be the sex ed advocate your community deserves. Below are some resources we’ve already developed based on the needs of folks just like you. Wish there was a resource here but you don’t see it yet? Drop us a line at and we’ll see what we can do!

Share Our Digital Ads

Using our original message research, and with support from The Harnisch Foundation and Equality Federation, we worked with Gutsy Media to develop and test 30-second digital ads that make the case for sex ed in powerful new ways. Now we’re making them available to you: if you want to replace our branding and call to action with your own to use them for your sex ed advocacy, use the form at the link to inquire about a free license to do just that. Or just share them as they are – they’re proven to persuade and mobilize sex ed supporters to action!

Easy Guide to the National Sex Ed Standards

What do we mean when we say “K-12 Sex and Relationships Education?” Don’t believe all the rumors and misinformation floating around — and don’t let your friends or neighbors believe them either. This handy one-page overview of the National Sex Ed Standards is easy to read and to share.

Quickstart Guide to Speaking Up for Sex Ed

Better public sex and relationships education will help us raise a new generation of Americans who are secure in their own boundaries, respect the basic humanity of their peers, know all the essential facts about how bodies work, and are fully prepared to have stable, loving relationships with themselves and others.

In other words, if you help us improve public school sex and relationships education, together we’ll help make every community stronger, happier, and healthier. We’re so glad to have you as part of the movement.

Even though they are in the minority in most places, opponents of sex ed have been making a big noise at school board and other public meetings lately. That’s why your efforts to make sure public officials hear from supporters of sex education is more important than it has ever been.

And that’s why we’ve written this guide, with just the things you most need to know about how to make your moment count.

Messages that Move Action for Sex Education

Want to go deeper? Check out this in-depth report on our foundational research into what kinds of messages move people to take action in support of public school relationships and sexuality education. It’s got everything you need to know about how we know what we know!