Join the movement to transform U.S. sex education for good.
Sex Ed =
Social Change
If you care about LGBTQ+ liberation, about ending gender-based violence, child abuse, and white supremacy, if you want to dance at the revolution, the fight for sex ed is for you.
Take the Pledge
We are the majority. Now EducateUS is here to help you vote like it. Take our Sex Ed Voter Pledge and we’ll get you all the candidate and election intel you need to stick up for sex ed where it matters most: the ballot box
Join the Movement
It’s going to take all of us, working together and bringing our unique talents to the table, to transform the country through comprehensive public sex education. Click to let us know what roles you’d like to hold.
Join the EducateUS movement
EducateUS is building a movement of voters laser-focused on advancing sex education across the country. We believe that universal sex education can change the world. Our ultimate goal is to bring about a complete transformation of K-12 public sex education in the United States, in order to foster a new generation of Americans who are secure in their own bodily sovereignty, recognize and respect that sovereignty in everyone else regardless of race, place, creed, class or gender, know all the essential facts about how bodies work, and are fully prepared to build loving relationships with themselves and others.