Do you think every student should get quality, inclusive sex education in school? Do you wish you were more prepared to advocate for it at your local school board meetings and beyond? We’ve got just the training for you, and it’s all free of charge!
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Part One: The Power of Storytelling. In this module, you will learn to convey your message/story in a clear, concise, and thought-provoking manner. You will learn the components of a compelling story and how to tell your own story. You will have an opportunity to write and share your story and get and give meaningful feedback to other participants. In this module you will also be introduced to EducateUS tested messages. You will learn race/class narrative, and how to incorporate your personal story into tested, effective messages.
Part Two: The Power of Voice. This module will give confidence to the most reluctant speakers by providing tips, tricks, and best practices in delivering public comments. You will learn to focus on your strengths and use visualization to prepare for giving public comments. You will be given an easy to use template and time to write and share your crafted message with other participants.
Part Three: The Power of Presence. In this module, you will get an overview of how the American government works, the importance of voting, advocating, and contacting elected officials. P2P will educate and encourage you to advocate for progressive policy within school boards and with other municipal and state governmental representatives. You will learn how to get on the agenda of a public meeting, how to find and contact your elected officials, and other practical information to make showing up and getting your voice heard.
Sound good? Sign up for free using the links or form to the right!
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