Take Our Candidate Training
EducateUS offers free, virtual trainings for candidates for school board, state legislature and other offices. In an hour and a half, you’ll learn:
Apply for an EducateUS Candidate Endorsement
We’re seeking pro-sex-ed school board candidates to endorse and partner with. Our endorsed candidates receive:
- a public endorsement on all of our communications channels, including links to your fundraising page
- graphic assets you can use to promote that you are an EducateUS endorsed candidate
- ongoing, personalized organizing & messaging advice to help you win
- wherever possible, we will help to mobilize our national, state and/or local partner organizations to promote your candidacy.
To be considered for an endorsement by EducateUS, just take our short questionnaire. Please be honest — we’re open to dialogue and recognize there are a range of perspectives on some of these issues.
Use Our Digital Ads
Using our original message research, and with support from The Harnisch Foundation and Equality Federation, we worked with Gutsy Media to develop and test 30-second digital ads that make the case for sex ed in powerful new ways. Now we’re making them available to you: if you want to replace our branding and call to action with your own to use them for your campaign, use the form at the link to inquire about a free license to do just that.
Take the EducateUS Candidate Pledge
Even though strong majorities across the country support public school relationships and sexuality education, it is one of the primary programs targeted by right-wing attacks because it is a powerful vehicle for social change, with the potential to lay the foundation for a long-term culture shift that positively impacts individuals & society, particularly on issues of gender and racial equity, sexual and reproductive justice, and violence prevention. At a time when reproductive rights and health care for people who can get pregnant, LGBTQ people, and communities of color are under increasing attack, sex education offers a comprehensive policy solution to ensure future generations value and respect bodily autonomy, reproductive justice, LGBTQ equality, healthy relationships and gender-based tolerance and inclusion.
We are offering candidates the opportunity to take our pledge committing to support relationships and sexuality education and to oppose attempts to ban, censor or introduce misinformation in these curricula that are essential to students’ current and future well-being.
Once you take the pledge, we will provide you with graphics you can use to tell your voters you’re a Sex Ed Candidate!