Candidate Training

EducateUS offers free, virtual monthly trainings for candidates for School Board, State Legislature and other offices. In an hour and a half, you’ll learn: 

  • Why & when should you talk about sex ed instead of pivoting?
  • What actually IS sex ed?
  • The foundations of an effective message
  • A message that makes self-identified conservatives 13 points more likely to vote for a pro-sex ed candidate!
  • All of our proven messages & how and when to use them -Where to find great tested messages on other culture war issues
  • How & why to include your personal story
  • One weird trick for when conversations get tough

Our next trainings are scheduled for:

If the dates above don’t work for you, sign up below and you’ll be the first to know when we release new training dates! When you avoid the topic of sex ed, you let the opposition define it and leave votes behind in the process. Come learn how to make a case for sex ed that will help you WIN!