What happens now?
We get local.
If the re-election of Donald Trump has you reeling, you’re not alone. And you’re not wrong to feel afraid, or angry, or helpless, or numb, or anything else you’re feeling.
But the first rule of resisting fascism is do not obey in advance.
Trump and his goons want us to give up, to make it easy for them to impose their hateful agenda on every aspect of our lives. But we don’t have to. There’s still plenty we can do to stick up for ourselves and the people we love.
One of the best ways to do that is to build power with our friends and neighbors, locally. And one of the best issues to organize around locally is making our schools a place where our kids can learn to value and respect each other and themselves.
You don’t have to be a political activist to make a difference right now. You don’t even have to have a lot of time.
Just pick one of these places to start:

Take the EducateUS voter pledge! School board elections are often decided by just a handful of votes, so your vote really can make the difference between a school system that bends the knee to MAGA, and one that fights back to make sure schools are a place where real learning takes place, and where every student can grow and thrive – no exceptions. When you take the pledge, we’ll give you everything you need to know to vote for progressive champions in your community.

Take one of our FREE Passion2Power Workshops! Get trained now so when hot topics come up at your next school board meeting, you’ll be ready to be a strong advocate. Our free training will teach you how to prepare to speak at local meetings, to make your points powerfully, and to gather allies as you do. December dates are filling up now!

You’re not alone, and you don’t have to take action by yourself. There are millions of us working to build a better world than this one. Check out Public School Strong to find a group near you. If there’s nothing organized in your area yet, consider starting a local group of your own.
Do just one of these things to shore up your local public schools today, and you’ll be taking a big step toward ensuring that all of our kids can still get the education they deserve for years to come, regardless of who’s in the White House.
P.S. Want to do a bonus thing? Share this guide with everyone you know. We’ve made it easy with this all-in-one PDF that’s free to download.